EVGA Z490 主機板駕到
搭配最新 10代 Intel® Core i9 處理器,EVGA Z490主機板讓您重掌系統大權。電競、直播、創作、工作…抑或是單純上網,EVGA Z490接受任何任務的直接挑戰,無所畏懼。
So Fresh So Clean Social Media Event
It's that time of year again, where we look around us and realize: it's time to clean this place up! Don't run away yet, because EVGA is here to help you get out that old hardware, and replace it with fresh, clean, and new gear! Let's pull together and sort this room out, with EVGA and Intel's So Fresh, So Clean Social Media Event. Extra careful cleaners can be rewarded with a chance to win some awesome prizes! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!
EVGA GeForce® RTX 2080/2070 SUPER™ KO
帶著 EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER 和 GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER 的 KO版本重返榮耀。EVGA 將再一次毫不留情地擊倒任何競爭對手。
Gold Rush Social Media Event
There's no time to waste, because there's gold to be got! Get lucky charms out, because if you got what it takes, you can win big in EVGA and Intel's Gold Rush Social Media Event. Don't take it slow, because winners RUSH out when they want to strike it rich with a chance to win some awesome prizes! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!
New Year New Gear Social Media Event
The clock has struck 12, and the parties are all over. So that means it's time to start the New Year right with some New Gear! Lucky for you, EVGA and Intel's New Year New Gear Social Media Event is here! Let the good times roll and enter to win some awesome upgrades for your PC with some amazing hardware. There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!
EVGA SR-3 Dark
Dark系列再度昇起。不滿足於打破世界紀錄候及稱霸消費性市場後而止步,EVGA SR-3 DARK融合主機板所有的極端情景,以絕佳的性能表現以及工程設計將SR-3推向顛峰。
EVGA Snow Brawl Social Media Event
It started out as a simple snowball fight, but quickly spiraled out of control. In the aftermath of a cold war that's gone on for far too long, you continue the battle in EVGA and Intel's Snow Brawl Social Media Event. Claim snowy superiority over those who dare to challenge our frosty fortitude, and be rewarded with a chance to win some awesome prizes! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!
熱烈歡迎 EVGA GA 系列電源 - EVGA 電源供應器家族最新成員。 此系列具80 Plus金牌認證、 100% 日系電容、長效可靠的雙滾珠軸承風扇和全模組化設計,可保長期使用和耐用性。 EVGA GA 系列不僅沿襲EVGA 80 Plus 金牌電源系列的優點,且價格實惠,物超所值。
前一代的EVGA NU Audio音效卡為PC環境重新定義了高傳真聲效,不僅震撼了人心也不斷吸引新的粉絲加入。以實惠的價格提供栩栩如「聲」的聲效及遊戲音效,促成了世界上最知名的PC硬體製造商及音響界真正的獨角獸之一 Audio Note (UK).的獨家合作。