
EVGA XR1 實況擷取盒

EVGA XR1 實況擷取盒,擁有4K HDR Pass-Through及4K/60FPS HDR遊玩時1080P/60FPS錄影功能,即時與世界分享您的最新戰況。XR1同時搭載了進階Pass Through模式,您僅需輕觸按鈕即可調整至144Hz FPS HDR。即刻甩開插拔線材的惡夢,XR1將成為簡潔高效的實況幫手。


EVGA 購買指定PSU送郵政禮券(第三波)

凡於活動期間 2020 年 9 月 16 日至 2020 年 9 月 30 日於EVGA代理商授權的經銷據點及通路購買指定EVGA 電源供應器,註冊產品後至本頁面登錄,即可獲得NT$600郵政禮券


EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series 首發體驗、直播開賣

限額60位幸運玩家,備妥會員資格準備報名9/17日EVGA RTX 30系列首發開賣會,現場將免費送出3080 FTW3、XC3各一及多樣購買折扣。


瘋狂大加碼 : EVGA 購買指定PSU送7-11商品卡(第二波)

凡於活動期間 2020 年 9 月 1 日至 2020 年 9 月 15 日內購買 EVGA PSU指定型號,不限購買通路,至EVGA TW官網登錄即加碼贈送『7-11商品卡』。


EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series

The EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series are the absolute definition of ultimate performance.


Back To School Social Media Event

And that's the bell! School's back in session, and it's time to ring in the new term! But don't be bummed out for the end of summer, because we're is here to make sure you've got the coolest gear in class with EVGA and Intel's Back to School Social Media Event! So hit the books, because only the good students will get a chance to win some awesome prizes! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!


EVGA 購買指定PSU送7-11商品卡

凡於活動期間 2020 年 8 月 15 日至 2020 年 8 月 31 日內購買 EVGA PSU金牌系列指定型號,不限購買通路,至EVGA TW官網登錄即加碼贈送『7-11商品卡最高200元』。


EVGA BA系列電源供應器

EVGA BA系列電源供應器在此為您的PC添上一抹亮彩,同時不會對您的荷包造成壓力。 經過 80+ 銅牌認證的BA電源供應器,採用了DC-DC轉換器,以確保不會降低電源效率進而降低產品價值。EVGA BA電供由單個+12V供電,並配有全套電源保護措施及所需線材,滿足摩登電競玩家的一切需求。


Dads and Grads Social Media Event

Graduation Day! Father's Day! There's so much to do in June, so let's make the most of it with a good 'ol 2-in-1! Celebrate both of them together with the EVGA and Intel's Dads and Grads Social Media event! Enter for a chance to win great prizes you can gift to the dad or grad in your life (or keep for yourself!) All you have to do is enter for a chance to win! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!


GT Series

外部上蓋造型擁有其獨特放射狀設計,配上機身長寬150mm之方正比例, 內部則全採用高品質日系電容,同步提升零件用料及電路設計


A-May-Zing Hardware Social Media event

Get ready, it's showtime! The Intel Z490 series of motherboards are coming, making the simple month of May into an A-MAY-ZING month! Join us in our celebration of amazing hardware with EVGA and Intel's A-May-Zing Hardware Social Media event! We're ready to kick off this party, and you're invited to get entering, and you too can have a chance to win some awesome prizes! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!


EVGA Frostbite 2

隆重介紹EVGA Frostbite 2 散熱膏,開啟熱傳導的全新世代。Frostbite 2 設計宗旨為在任何負載下進行高效的導熱功能,且易於使用;可確保您的CPU或CPU與其散熱槽之間的最佳接觸與熱導傳。無論您使用空冷系統、水冷系統、電競抑或是超頻玩家,EVGA Frostbite 2 散熱膏會將您的溫度保持在極致冰點。

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