NOTE: Remember, when overclocking it is important to increase clockspeeds with moderation; 5-10MHz increases at a time are recommended, and extensive testing at every overclock setting should be done to ensure that your system is stable in all applications.



  • Where does Brink O/C save the validation file?
    • Brink O/C saves the validation file in the same location as the main eleet.exe file. If you installed E-LEET from the driver CD, this would be located under C:\Program Files\EVGA\E-LEET
  • How can I calculate my CPU frequency is when I set a QPI/Bclock speed?
    • The default QPI/Bclock frequency for all Intel Core i7 CPUs is 133MHz, increasing this will increase your clockspeed. To calculate your clockrate, take your current QPI/Bclock speed, and multiply that by the CPU multiplier. For example, a QPI frequency of 200MHz, and a CPU multiplier of 20x would equal 4000MHz or 4GHz. Remember also that increasing your QPI frequency will also increase your memory frequency.
  • When I set my overclock, why does it not save on reboot?
    • The current version of EVGA E-LEET is designed to help you find your overclocking sweet spot while in Windows, then set in BIOS. Or crank out a few more MHz for a nice benchmark run.
  • How can I upload a validation file?
    • The E-LEET validate allows you to upload your current clockspeed, and generates a URL for you to share with your friends. To do this, set your overclock, then visit the options Tab within E-LEET. After saving the Validation File, upload it to http://valid.x86-secret.com/
  • How can I run two instances of EVGA E-LEET?
    • EVGA E-LEET only allows once instance to be ran, this is done in order to keep the frequency and voltage controlling in sync.
  • How do I install a new version of EVGA E-LEET?
    • If you installed E-LEET from the driver CD, first you will need to remove it from Start>Programs>EVGA>E-LEET>Uninstall E-LEET. Then, after downloading the new version, extract the contents and place the eleet.exe file anywhere you like.
  • Why is my memory not running in dual or triple channel mode?
    • Please consult the EVGA manual for the correct way to install the memory modules. For dual channel mode, you will need to use the 2 green slots on the far left, for triple channel fill all 3 green slots.
  • My memory is running at a lower frequency than it is supposed to.
    • To adjust your Memory speed or Memory Ratio, please enter the BIOS and adjust under Frequency/Voltage.
  • Why does my CPU Core Speed automatically lower?
    • This is done if Intel Speedstep is enabled in BIOS. Speedstep is a technology intended to reduce the Core Frequency when it is not needed to save power.
  • I see some people have a multiplier that is 1x higher than mine, how can I get this?
    • This can be achieved with Intel Turbo technology; Intel Turbo Technology is designed to increase one of the cores multipliers when it deems necessary for extra performance. You can enable this from the BIOS.
  • My CPU Vcore is moving around a lot, how can I fix this?
    • To fix this, please disable Speedstep and CXE from within the BIOS.
  • Why does E-LEET crash when I try to increase the QPI Base Clock or PCIe Frequency?
    • For more stable overclocking with E-Leet, please adjust the QPI Baseclock to at least 134MHz in BIOS first.
  • Why does my X58 motherboard not boot when I do a soft reboot after increasing the QPI Frequency?
    • Please install X58 BIOS SZ14 or later to fix this problem.
Article Viewed: 11603 times since 4/30/2008